Lexi Namer

To remember this beautiful life.

  • Spending a few days in a cabin in the mountains with L.

  • Goodbye

    You are missed, sweet beautiful girl. I can’t wait to see you again.

  • A quiet affair with mom, movies, animals, and lovely runs in the trees.

  • Cabin weekend

    Spending some moments of quiet and beauty with my loves.

  • Home

    Enjoying the shorter days and moments of stillness.

  • Kathryn

    Who would have thought we would find ourselves here a lifetime later?

  • New York

    Chasing cabs and runners and speckled light.

  • The boys

    Getting to witness Lil discover her new self as Mom.

  • Camping

    Adventuring with friends, both two footed and four.

  • Booker Fest

    Finding quiet moments with Michelle and Aunt R